
Saturday, December 14, 2013



August 15, 2012 at 1:16pm
由細到大, 因為家姐在教會常做司琴, 而且我也玩三弦. 人們會覺得我大概也是懂鋼琴... 識彈是理所當然....
詩班指揮也多次問:"你應該識彈琴0架呵?!" 其實唔係我逃避唔想彈,  而係真係無能力.... 尤其詩班的歌, 一首歌都轉好多次調.... 真是彈不到...
其實當年點解我無學, 係因為果時學左一段很短時間後, 大家姐考了八級, 我媽覺得我可以跟她學, 就沒有再跟原本的老師學, 跟大家姐學... 可能其實她當時沒有教學經驗, 又熟人, 彈性學琴時間最後就會不了了之...

F.5時我有想過考浸大PRE-MUSIC, 因為沒有鋼琴底, 就找了SUBIE的同學學鋼琴... 後來沒有考上, 讀了設計. 老師又要去英國讀書, 所以又沒有繼續學...
也曾經有埋怨媽媽那時的決定... 可是重點是我那時都沒有愛上鋼琴....
可是近來, 用伴奏看CHORD的方法練習, 有進步. 原本看著比較覆複的CHORD, 我就不會彈...
但可能打從上次領詩, 遇著了我之前覺得難的CHORD, 原來以我樂理, 也能自行研究到該如何彈, 竟順暢地彈奏了出來... 我也被我自己嚇倒....
有感到如果那些東西是你想用在神裡面, 而自覺缺乏的, 衪就要加給你...
昨天媽媽來了, 我又在練習時, 嚇倒她了, 她反問我: 乜你識彈琴架咩!? 哈, 好笑... 不要給媽媽有這遺憾!
呢期對鋼琴的興趣越嚟越大呀,感覺我在鋼琴的進步空間同悟性會大過結他。現在也有每日也彈一點點, 希望可以有一天當司琴.... 團契的司琴應該是有可能的!



August 4, 2012 at 9:44pm

不知道大家有沒有想過敬拜到底是什麼?? 敬拜其實不單單是教會聚會中開始之前唱詩歌頌讚美神的一個環節。
崇拜源於創造, 是受造者向創造者的尊崇和順服, 是本位的事奉. 崇拜同事奉, 其實兩者是不能分開的.
敬拜是人和 神之間愛的交流,它包含了動作和情緒,但真正的敬拜還不祇這樣,它也包括了人被 神的愛所吸引而從內心發出的愛慕和頌讚。人應該與神相交, 承擔衪所交付的使命, 並且按神所給予的自由選擇順服衪,這才是敬拜.
所以我們活著要敬拜神, 全心全意來愛衪, 不論你在那個工作崗位, 這是生命的重心, 我們的標竿人生.


開我的眼睛 讓我看見祢

開我的耳朵 讓我聽見祢

祢的榮美 無人能及

永遠住在祢殿中 昔在今在永在的主

喔 我愛祢 喔 全心敬拜祢
日夜不停歌唱 哈利路亞 我愛祢
喔 我愛祢 喔 全心敬拜祢
日夜不停歌唱 哈利路亞 我愛祢 我愛祢




June 2, 2012 at 1:31pm
剛去了一個感動的安息禮拜,記錄了一點點感受。是Love Life 的香港版
北宣是很大的教會,有時候,服事的對象,不一定會認識的。可是我們就是不會刻意挑。我們不會㨂job 接,因為我們不會收到屬世的工錢。時間上能配合的就會去。
今 天很特別,因為去年7月左右的時候,我們才為死者的獨生女兒唱安息禮拜。那個女兒是跟我同一年出生的,因為癌症而安息主懷。現在是她爸爸。能夠想象的是, 對她媽媽來講,是多大的打撃。因為去年幫她女兒獻唱,這一次,她特意邀請我們再幫忙 (因為北宣家其實也有好多個詩班,不一定找我們的。) 感覺好像已經認識他們一家了。而且因為她去世的女兒年紀跟我一樣大,我就有更大的感動一定要唱,好想去安慰她。
記起還留著女兒的紀念集,翻 看了幾頁,原來原本只有那媽媽信主,在她患病其間,為了她媽媽的心願,"我接受唔到以後都見個女唔到!" 加上為年來用心的為女兒信主的努力,在病床邊,她信主了。後來,女兒對神的信心越來越大,除了能以平安喜樂的心面對重病,還反過來安慰媽媽要是她離世,也 不要離開神。她臨終的心願,是希望她爸爸信主。所以她爸,又為了完成女兒的心願信主。所以,他們現在,已在天家相聚。
1. 之前都在想他是否為了女兒才決志呢?陳傳道轉述他受浸前,親自說願意為自己而相信主耶穌,而且不會埋怨神。
2. 無對失去女兒之痛,又照顧患病的丈夫,太太當然也有忿怒,質疑,失望的時候。但她仍是將主權交給神。倚靠衪走過這段艱難的路。
3. 婚姻的誓詞,裡面的不論健康或疾病,都不離不棄。太太努力照顧丈夫,丈夫深深感受到,也一直很少說自己的病有多痛。想起"身體健康"這首歌。
4. 將來在天家,見不到摯愛,我到現在仍接受不到。要繼續努力讓家人信主。
又是Love Life 真人版見證,大家都要Love Life:)

One whole year Aussie WHV review... ♥ u allﺕ

Just copied from facebook. a long long post that was writen at April 16, 2011.

One whole year Aussie WHV review... ♥ u allﺕ

April 16, 2011 at 3:35am
It’s time to review my one whole year working holiday life.
Yes, it’s over. Recall my memories… although this is not a missionary trip…. I thought that thru this trip, I could be a good testimony for God. I knew that I might experience God and His grace would be around me. It was, it really was….

Before I go, I heard God told me, “Leave your country, your people, and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you.”… that’s what God told Abraham…
God opened the door, my parents supported me so much, and I felt peaceful for the whole preparation.
Thanks Josephine found that great share house at Brisbane, thanks Terence introduced jobs for me.
And I prepared a new small SanXian for busking.
Everything’s seems very smooth and under my control…. But God told me, no, u have to experience me…
When I just arrived, I went to Little Singapore, Manager Mandy told me I need to wait till I got the tax file no.,  which may take 2 weeks to one month…   actually I knew I have to get that but I thought I can provide it later… okay, then I wait…
The next day, I went to the city hall for requesting get the busking permit… they told me I should wait till they got audition…. Which would be abt 2 months later…. 2 month?!
What should I do…. I didn’t bring enough money and I still have to pay rent…. What should I do??i cried a few times on that.....
I had a little time worked at Chinatown as illegal workers, be waitress and kitchen hand… 4 days no paid trial period… AU$5 as waitress and AU$7 as Kitchen hand… that was the most hardest time of my WHV….
Finally b4 I run of money, I got the tax file no and could work at Little Singapore.
Just like all newbies, worked very slow, no matter served the food, use the cashier machine… not able to answer customers questions… understood Chefs sometimes in bad temper.... i found they are actually nice. thanks all colleagues taught me so much, esp. Carol, Jonathan, Dennis, Celina, Elsa… etc..  finally I got a stable role to work for the first shift, stayed at the cashier… And sometimes my turn to teach newbies…  I think I learned a lot… thus I sometimes stared how the chefs prepare the food :p

Sing Ma is really a warm family… most colleagues are students like Jerry, Halle, Eric, Ben... which made me felt myself younger:D feel sorry to know that there’s lots of changes after I left and most colleagues quitted already….

Thanks May, my secondary sch classmate, let me stayed at her place after Josephine move on to Bundy…
Also thanks her introduced her frds to me… food and coffee lovers… we had very good times in that half year.

That’s actually a hard decision to move on to Melbourne. As I'd already built up relationships with my colleagues and frds…. But… once I had such thought, and I felt peaceful again and I know it’s really the time to go… actually it’s not allowed to work for same employer more than 6 month… although I know some ppl ignore it…

Melbourne is an artistic city… after I failed at the busking audition… I think Melbourne would accept my music!
Also I’ve already know what job I am going to do at Melbourne. Sometimes facebooked shu shu, she told me I can work at the bakery that she’s working…
Then I found a share house thru internet and paid for the bond already…
Everything’s seems well planned…  again, God reminded me… no, don’t rely all on your own… u should wait for my providing…
When I just arrived, my SanXian had been broken… how could I busk?
The landlord couldn’t arrange the room on the day I arrived, I should stayed a few days at YHA… but after I moved to the share house… OMG, it’s a haunted house… it’s far different from the photos he sent me…. I argued with the landlord but finally no refund and I could stay 3 weeks more but I paid one month rent…
It took me some days to contact with shu shu &  Vienna and finally I got the job at Breadtop. I spent a lot of money for moving to a new place. And I had to wait 3 more weeks for the pay day….  Not really coped with the working condition, my hands got problem… I felt so numb while every morning when I woke up… I even hardly carry chopsticks and pen… I really wanted to see a doctor… but at that time, I still waited for the pay… even I had a job already…
Thanks God that I felt everyone’s caring… I really cashout the last $20 … when I planned I should see the doctor no matter I got the pay or not, I still can use credit card… but the pay was received at the right time! Amazing!
Being arranged to work at Chinese bread department… that’s was a very precious chance… most WHM work at cake and decoration dept which mainly work for packing… I know that’s not my cup of tea… thanks Master Kwong and senior Hin taught me so much… I proud of myself that when everyone predicted that would be in trouble and extremely busy during the time that Helen and Hin both took long leave… I chose to stay instead of escape… I know that even a worker like me, half year experience, still have lots of things didn’t know how to do… what if I quitted and a newbie take over my post? Master have to work 3 ppl’s work then teach new colleague? I think he rather prefer works alone…
Thanks God that in this very busy period,…. day 1… surprisingly smooth…
Even in the day after, we worked till very late… Master’s was in good temper…
Breadtop for me, is another warm family… most colleagues treat me good…

I miss all my funny and lovely flatmates at melb… those ppl at Hawthorn, 555 Flinders Street. , 405 Elizabeth. And 7 Riverside Quay… thanks Alicia, u are a friendly landlord indeed.
I actually moved a lot… met lots of Taiwanese… thanks for taught me Taiwanese… 多蝦多蝦!!


Thanks God before i left, i'd still had chance to busk... i finally could repaired the SanXian myself... the sound was not that bad.... u could see the videos... although didn't earn a lot... it's really a good experience...

Also i miss the ppl in the Tasmania tour… we had a great time in these short few days;)

Yea, have to thanks God for the good weather after first two days… so glad that when we arrived the west coast of Tasmania, we could seen the beautiful sunset… and at time, the weather was good… felt the power of magic time…

Doesn’t means that I don’t give thanks on the first two rainy days… I thought that made me easier to get familiar with the ppl of this tour since that was just first day of my tour while they were half way already… and without the rain, how could we find the rainbow?
When I finished the walk at national park… almost going back to the coach… I found the rainbow, I was very excited and ran to that side… that’s not the first time for me to see… but that one was really wide and beautiful…

Thanks God for the trip of Cairns too! While I was abt to skydive, abt to getting on the helicopter, it started raining… I felt disappointed… but the crew kept going… but when we abt to arrive the mission beach…. The weather was super fine! Good sunshine, almost no cloud! While jumping to the beach, I seen God’s creation was soooo Great!

i basically been to the cities that i really want to go...that's enough!
i think i grown up a lot after this trip... changed a bit of my lifestyle...

Lots of God's blessings in this trip… a bit sorry that I didn’t con’t my blog after I arrived melb… mayb I missed some detailed already… but I still willing to share .

Thanks for reading this long long post… I will keep living well in Hong Kong… everyone no matter where u are, remember, God loves u and so am i!