這個經歷, 真的感到很奇妙....
之前也有跟大家分享過在廣西的服事隊, 因為教會資助他們讀書, 也呼召了一班弟兄姐妹幫助參與服事, 關心這一班學生. 因為國內是不能直接傳福音, 我們也是不可以在書信裡面提及耶穌的事情. 我們只能透過字裡行間, 關心, 把正面的人生觀和鼓勵給他們.
在澳洲這一年裡面, 他們幫我把信跟禮物帶過去.... 當然也有懶惰沒有回信的時候...
可是剛收到CHARLOTTE媽把信交給我的時候, 他們第一句, 反倒說他們不好意思, 因為太忙沒有回信給我.... 我也不曉得是我沒有回信或是他們沒有回信.... 反正他們高三最忙碌的時候, 忘了回信是很正常的事情..... 那個時候, 我收到兩封信, 都是讀宜州高中的..... 一個成績原本就很好, 是國家重點栽培的.... 我沒有很擔心她進不了大學.... 反倒是另外一個, 因為他是重讀生, 我是有擔心如果這一年也進不了大學就要找工作了. 可是他跟我說他進了四川一所醫科大學.... 原來他去年是因為覺得進不了醫科而決定重讀, 沒有我想像中成績那麼差勁. 還因為是他說他太祖父是個醫生, 常常騎馬去不同的地方替人醫病, 所以對醫科這個專業有這麼大的興趣..... 很意外...
可是收到兩個學生的信而已, 還有一個..... 聽說, 因為我去年在澳洲, 沒有跟他們一同去廣西探訪, 那個女生哭的很嚴重, 雖然我打從上一次探訪已經跟他們交代過, 沒有想到她還是會不開心...... 我聽了也很心痛, 也有點擔心, 不是我不再理她喔, 也擔心因為沒有看到她的名字在大學取錄的名單上..... 我是在想她會不會考得不好, 自卑而不再寫信給我呢? 我會不會從此跟她失去聯系呢??
我將這個事情跟團契的組員分享, 沒想到幾天後, 我就從CHARLOTTE那裡收到那個女生的來信..... 她說因為她是後補進去的, 所以是收到取錄通知才敢寫信給我, 她也進去之前說的那個學生的大學..... 我後來準備回信, 再仔細看一下, 原來她還要是跟他讀同一科, 大概是同一班!!! 原本兩個是讀不同高中, 素不相識的..... 現在看來, 他們倆認識了..... 好奇妙.....
感恩, 不住的感恩, 神聽禱告, 還要是我願意事奉的時候, 我又得著激勵.... THANKS GOD~~
又在這裡賣廣告, 本月差傳月, 除了有差傳年會之外, 還有差傳工作坊,應讓大家對國內學生的事工有更多的認識, 希望大家有時間會參與25/9 2:30PM 宣道會北角堂真理樓.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
之前有一次團契分享時, 問到有什麼詩歌印象很深刻.... 當時除了分享了FOOTPRINT IN THE SAND之外, 也分享了<<耶穌領我>>這首歌.... 我說過到我將來, 回天家的時候, 安息禮拜要唱的歌.... 估不到今天詩班練詩又唱這首歌....
一切, 應該從剛開始在詩班服事開始講.....
大概也有十年之前吧.... 我是2001年6月在北宣受洗的... 一夠資格就馬上去哈拿尼雅詩班事奉了.... 好像沒多久就唱這首歌, 當時覺得這首歌很好聽, 鋼琴伴奏也很優美, 內容也很好... 講到耶穌帶領我走不同的時刻, 無論是順境或逆境, 耶穌都親自拖帶著我.... 到最後最後返天家都不怕, 因為知道自己會去邊, 有耶穌帶領.... 那個時候, 可能有時要參與安息禮拜的服事.... 已經有想過要是將來自己的安息禮拜要唱這首歌.... (其實都有SECOND CHOICE... 是普天頌讚的<<稱頌主榮名>>... 提到神領我出死入生, 慈悲加恩愛做冠冕, 憐憫不長懷怒, 常念凡人不過塵土.... 也是一首很好的選擇... )
隔了一段時間, 沒有唱這首歌... 好像去WORKING HOLIDAY前, 剛好是唱這首歌....
我是有想過, 這個WORKING HOLIDAY會發生什麼事也不知道.... 有人發生大車禍, 連醫藥費都沒有要尋求香港捐助..... 也有在工場的冷凍庫天花掉下來死了.... 我也有傻傻的想要是我不能回來會怎樣.... 這首歌剛好是一個激勵....
"死亡冷河, 我不怕過, 因有耶穌親手領我!"
我記得獻唱前一次練詩.... FINAL唱, 我們站起來當作是獻詩時的時候.... 我一邊唱, 一邊流淚.... 我覺得神很愛我, 因為神親自用詩歌鼓勵我..... 是TIMING的緣故.... 是我走之前的獻唱.... 是我喜愛的詩歌.... 也回應了我當時的心理狀態.... 當然雖不至於會死, 可是一定有一點點膽怯.... 一個人, 去一個陌生的地方, 自己照顧自己, 賺錢夠不夠也不曉得.... 可是就是這首歌的祝福.... 無論危險, 無論穩妥.... 遇禍遇福.... 耶穌親手領我!
當然, 我是平平安安的去, 平平安安的回來.... 當中, 遇過逆境, 未找到工作, 賣藝不成, 沒有地方住, 錢花光, 有工作也要捱到發薪水, 手勞損沒有錢看醫生............. 很多很多.... 可是最後耶穌還是親手領我渡過了....
這首詩歌, 原來蕭牧師也很喜歡.... 他的婚禮是唱這首歌的.... 我不曉得是生命聖詩版, 或是什麼版本.... 我較愛蕭樹勝這個版本.... 一般歌的INNER PARTS多數都怪音的嘛,,,,, 我是覺得這首, 各個聲部獨唱, MELODY也很好聽.... 我是ALTO, 我很清楚.... 一點也不奇怪...
今天回去練詩時, 好像聽說因為原先獻唱的眾生之神跟會眾詩撞了.... 所以改為<<耶穌領我>>...
本來一邊練習一邊眼眶有點濕..... 因為我在想我才歸隊第三個星期...剛好又唱這首歌.... 是神又在攪動我的內心深處.... 我不明白為何神這麼愛我, 詩班這麼多人, 也能剛好被照顧到我... 我是何等不配..... 可是看/聽/唱到一句歌詞:
我願為主忠心僕人, 因蒙主恩親手領我
His faithful follower i would be, For God's own hand is leading me....
我就更想流淚了... 彷彿說因為當你願意服事我的時候, 我就賜恩給你, 我就透過歌詞與你相交....
當忽然羅姑娘說: 如果將來安息禮拜有人幫她唱這首歌就好了... 馬上令我感到一陣會心微笑=)
想不到原來不只我一個會先想好安息禮拜唱什麼歌.... 而且也是這一首.... 真是英雄所見略同...
找回之前那一次的BLOG: 裡面有那一次的錄音.....
這個錄音音色不太好.... 是我出發前的那一次.... 感謝神再一次用這首歌感動我.... 選定了... 大家好好幫我記著!!
耶穌領我, 我真喜歡! 蒙主引導, 心中平安!
無論日夜動靜起坐, 耶穌聖手時常領我.
* 耶穌領我, 耶穌領我, 耶穌天天親手領我! 我願為主忠心僕人, 因蒙主恩親手領我.
有時遭遇困苦憂傷, 有時大得喜樂安康,
無論危險, 無論穩妥, 全靠耶穌親手領我
Repeat *
我願緊握恩主聖手, 甘心樂意, 隨主行走;
遇禍遇福, 兩般皆可, 因有耶穌親手領我.
Repeat *
到時行完人生路程, 靠託主恩, 至終得勝,
死亡冷河, 我不怕過,, 因有耶穌親手領我!
我要感謝祢, 袮是賜恩的主, 願我永遠頌唱, 耶穌, 耶穌領我, 主領我.
最後這一句不一樣的一段, 是生命聖詩沒有的.... 歌詞正好是我的心聲與禱文, 亞們~~
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
這個從前是WORKING HOLIDAY 的BLOG.... 回港後又不想CLOSE... 我還是按著MY FAITH這個TOPIC 繼續分享我的信仰, 可能會多一點詩歌分享, 因為老實說我看書, 看聖經.... 是超慢的.... 能領受的, 可能不及短短一首歌的歌詞.... 我本人極易受歌詞感染, 還記得哈拿尼雅指揮羅姑娘說詩班是在牧養會眾, 透過歌詞用我們的演繹方法去感動會眾..... 至於如何演繹歌詞, 她除了整體音樂做到原著的處理, 也會在那一句的詞作一點調整.... 例如耶穌微聲對我們說的時候, 詩班就會微聲...
又例如"群山縱震撼傾覆"..... 詩班就會很澎湃激動地加多點articulation...
所以我很喜歡在詩班事奉... 能被神的詩歌大大的餵養.
今日回去練習的時候, 練習會眾詩時, 唱到求主教我走袮道路 TEACH ME YOUR WAY.... 都再一次提醒我們, 其實唱的詩歌都是我們的祝福, 裡面說了很多, 我們要留意.... 作詩班員, 能預先練習和回家再細看歌詞, 那麼我們要多看.... 可以連英文版也看一下以了解原本的意思....
不過我想SHARE的詩歌是<<耐心地等候主>>. 這首歌之前我是唱過的, 所以雖然沒有帶譜子回家, 也有歌詞在我腦海中...
歌詞內容大致如下 (因為不斷BASE ON 呢堆歌詞變奏):
耐心地等候主, 祂必傾聽我禱告
祂聽我呼求, 祂聽我呼求.
呀, 信靠主的人, 真是有福.
昨天因為一些事, 又感懷身世... 老實說, 我哭了, 哭得很厲害.... 今天早上眼睛也有點腫.... 可是我又可以怎樣.... 女人的感概.... 昨天想著嫲嫲的心願, 想著要是我真的辦不到會怎樣? 有些事, 不是靠自己能作的, 就算怎樣努力.... 不是自己想要就能得到....
但我知道神很疼愛我.... 又再用詩歌激勵我....
耐心地等候主, 祂必傾聽我禱告...
祂聽我呼求, 祂聽我呼求..... 講一次唔夠, 再唱多一次加強語氣.... 我不是全首歌詞都有看英文版, 可是我看到"呼求"一字, 是用"COMPLAINT"... 是投訴... 對呀, 我有時候真是向神投訴, WHY?? THAT'S NOT FAIR!! i've been waiting for so long!
不過, 我知道.... 神回應了我的訴求.... 就算這一刻, 禱告還是沒有蒙應允.... 可是投訴信是收了,是簡單地回應了, 只是還未是時候...
呀, 信靠主的人, 真是有福. =)
又例如"群山縱震撼傾覆"..... 詩班就會很澎湃激動地加多點articulation...
所以我很喜歡在詩班事奉... 能被神的詩歌大大的餵養.
今日回去練習的時候, 練習會眾詩時, 唱到求主教我走袮道路 TEACH ME YOUR WAY.... 都再一次提醒我們, 其實唱的詩歌都是我們的祝福, 裡面說了很多, 我們要留意.... 作詩班員, 能預先練習和回家再細看歌詞, 那麼我們要多看.... 可以連英文版也看一下以了解原本的意思....
不過我想SHARE的詩歌是<<耐心地等候主>>. 這首歌之前我是唱過的, 所以雖然沒有帶譜子回家, 也有歌詞在我腦海中...
歌詞內容大致如下 (因為不斷BASE ON 呢堆歌詞變奏):
耐心地等候主, 祂必傾聽我禱告
祂聽我呼求, 祂聽我呼求.
呀, 信靠主的人, 真是有福.
昨天因為一些事, 又感懷身世... 老實說, 我哭了, 哭得很厲害.... 今天早上眼睛也有點腫.... 可是我又可以怎樣.... 女人的感概.... 昨天想著嫲嫲的心願, 想著要是我真的辦不到會怎樣? 有些事, 不是靠自己能作的, 就算怎樣努力.... 不是自己想要就能得到....
但我知道神很疼愛我.... 又再用詩歌激勵我....
耐心地等候主, 祂必傾聽我禱告...
祂聽我呼求, 祂聽我呼求..... 講一次唔夠, 再唱多一次加強語氣.... 我不是全首歌詞都有看英文版, 可是我看到"呼求"一字, 是用"COMPLAINT"... 是投訴... 對呀, 我有時候真是向神投訴, WHY?? THAT'S NOT FAIR!! i've been waiting for so long!
不過, 我知道.... 神回應了我的訴求.... 就算這一刻, 禱告還是沒有蒙應允.... 可是投訴信是收了,是簡單地回應了, 只是還未是時候...
呀, 信靠主的人, 真是有福. =)
Sunday, June 26, 2011
又是LEONA LEWIS!! 同一張福音碟, BLEEDING LOVE 就勁HIT, 不過其他歌都好有意思呀....
適合一D曾經同神關係比較差, 有離開神的弟兄姊妹.... 現在發現神不離不棄, 依然很愛我們...
最後決定永遠跟從神, "因為離了我, 你們不能作什麼."
"I Will Be"
There's nothing I could say to you
Nothing I could ever do to make you see
What you mean to me
All the pain, the tears I cried
Still you never said goodbye and now I know
How far you'd go
I know I let you down
But it's not like that now
This time I'll never let you go
I will be, all that you want
And gather myself together
Cause you keep me from falling apart
All my life, I'll be with you forever
To get you through the day
And make everything OK
[Verse 2:]
I thought that I had everything
I didn't know what life could bring
But now I see, honestly
You're the one thing I got right
The only one I let inside
Now I can breathe, cause you're here with me
And if I let you down
I'll turn it all around
Cause I would never let you go
[Ending bridge:]
Cause without you I cant breathe
I'm not gonna ever, ever let you leave
You're all I've got, you're all I want
And without you I don't know what I'd do
I can never, ever live a day without you
Here with me, do you see,
You're all I need
[Chorus x2]
適合一D曾經同神關係比較差, 有離開神的弟兄姊妹.... 現在發現神不離不棄, 依然很愛我們...
最後決定永遠跟從神, "因為離了我, 你們不能作什麼."
"I Will Be"
There's nothing I could say to you
Nothing I could ever do to make you see
What you mean to me
All the pain, the tears I cried
Still you never said goodbye and now I know
How far you'd go
I know I let you down
But it's not like that now
This time I'll never let you go
I will be, all that you want
And gather myself together
Cause you keep me from falling apart
All my life, I'll be with you forever
To get you through the day
And make everything OK
[Verse 2:]
I thought that I had everything
I didn't know what life could bring
But now I see, honestly
You're the one thing I got right
The only one I let inside
Now I can breathe, cause you're here with me
And if I let you down
I'll turn it all around
Cause I would never let you go
[Ending bridge:]
Cause without you I cant breathe
I'm not gonna ever, ever let you leave
You're all I've got, you're all I want
And without you I don't know what I'd do
I can never, ever live a day without you
Here with me, do you see,
You're all I need
[Chorus x2]
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
繼之前LEONA LEWIS 的FOOTPRINT IN THE SAND (英文版足印), 在團契都分享過, 因為臨別前有機會領詩唱那首歌, 而它成為了我一年澳洲之旅的祝福....
昨天逛樂器店, 忽然想起有首歌在同一隻碟裡面的.... HERE I AM.... 亦是一首可以祝福別人生命的歌... 是神唱給人鼓勵人的歌喔.... 神, 一直都在.... 隨時隨地, 是我們患難中不再讓我們孤單的那一位.
LEONA LEWIS, 她好像是CHRISTIAN吧? 她的唱腔很好聽, 很喜歡唱她的歌=)
昨天逛樂器店, 忽然想起有首歌在同一隻碟裡面的.... HERE I AM.... 亦是一首可以祝福別人生命的歌... 是神唱給人鼓勵人的歌喔.... 神, 一直都在.... 隨時隨地, 是我們患難中不再讓我們孤單的那一位.
LEONA LEWIS, 她好像是CHRISTIAN吧? 她的唱腔很好聽, 很喜歡唱她的歌=)
Here I Am This is a crazy world 這是一個瘋狂的世界 These can be lonely days 這些日子寂寞難耐 It's hard to know who's on your side 很難知曉誰與你同在 Most of the time 在大部分的時間裡 Who can you really trust 誰使你可以真正信靠?
Who do you really know 誰人又會是你真正了解的呢? Is there anybody out there 在某處是否有某个人 Who can make you feel less alone 能不再讓你孤單? Sometimes you just can't make it on your own 有時候你無法一個人面對 If you need a place where you can run 如果你需要一個可以任意奔跑的地方 If you need a shoulder to cry on 如果你需要一個哭泣時可以依靠的肩膀 I'll always be your friend 我永遠都是你的朋友 When you need some shelter from the rain 如果你需要躲藏避雨 When you need a healer for your pain 如果你需要醫治傷痛 I will be there time and time again 我都會隨時出現 When you need someone to love you 當你需要有人疼愛你的時候 Here I am, hmmm 我就在這裡, If you have broken dreams 如若你有破滅了的夢想 Just lay them all on me 讓他們在我面前擺上 I'll be the one who understands 我會是那個懂你的人 So take my hand 所以握住我的手 If there is emptiness 如果你有空虚的感覺 You know I'll do my best 你知道我會盡全力 To fill you up with all the love 用我所有的愛來填補它 That I can show someone 我可將這愛呈獻 I promise you you'll never walk alone 我應許與你永遠同行 Well If you need a place where you can run 就這樣~如果你需要一個可以任意奔跑的地方 If you need a shoulder to cry on 如果你需要一個哭泣時可以依靠的肩膀 I'll always be your friend 我永遠都是你的朋友 When you need some shelter from the rain 如果你需要躲藏避雨 When you need a healer for your pain 如果你需要醫治傷痛 I will be there time and time again 我都會隨時出現 When you need someone to love you 當你需要有人疼愛你的時候 Here I am, hmmm 我就在這裡, Everybody needs somebody who 每個人都需要有一個 They can pour their heart and soul into 能讓他們傾心不已的人 Well If you need a place where you can run 就這樣~如果你需要一個可以任意奔跑的地方 If you need a shoulder to cry on 如果你需要一個哭泣時可以依靠的肩膀 I'll always be your friend 我永遠都是你的朋友 When you need some shelter from the rain 如果你需要躲藏避雨 When you need a healer for your pain 如果你需要醫治傷痛 I will be there time and time again 我都會隨時出現 When you need someone to love you 當你需要有人疼愛你的時候 Here I am 我就在這裡
Sunday, May 22, 2011
傳福音的方法有好多種..... 今日我地用左腳底療法....
今天是團契的外展佈道... 實在忍不住要分享一下今天的經歷, 因為太感動, 太奇妙了....
為免大家沒心機看太多文字..... 先講最攪笑的部份.... 就是我們竟然在腳底按摩中傳福音..... 看到這一句, 傻眼了吧? 可是我們就是如此的播下福音的種子了....
今 天是團契的外展佈道, 因為我剛從澳洲回來一個多月, 錯過了之前兩次的佈道訓練.... 可是看到團契面書的通告, 還是有鼓勵我們沒有參與訓練的也可是參與佈道.... 可能在適當的時候, 也可以將自己的得救見證講一下.... 心想, 我其實也是有參加過別的佈道訓練, 四律那些材料我是懂用的, 只是太久沒有用...
今天下午, 忽然下起大雨來.... 心裡在想, 會不會取消? 是不是神覺得我們裝備不夠???
下雨天, 穿涼鞋的我連走路也有困難..... 咳嗽也是很大的藉口...... 就是有十萬個理由叫我要放棄..... 可是可是我還是回到教會看一下會怎樣安排.....
因為我剛教完繪畫課就趕過去, 只能買一點點東西在教會的檯子上吃.... 剛剛旁邊有兩位忠心的姊妹正打算要為今天的外展佈道祈禱..... 我一邊吃, 一邊在聽..... 原來, 大家是何等渴望今天能傳福音的..... 感覺有一點被激勵....
傳道同工也說雖然下雨, 可是我們還是有機會留著避雨的人的腳步..... 去的地方也可以特別一點, 要不去茶餐廳也是可以.....
我因為沒有參與訓練, 所以我加入了ANITA與SPOON那一組..... 祈禱時也希望神將所有欄阻挪開.....
後來, SPOON跟我們提出一個大膽的想法, 就是去按摩店做腳底按摩, 那麼可以跟按摩師聊很久, 而且他們是沒辦法跑掉=P
心想, 可是一個好的方法, 雖然好像很奇怪.... 可是我們還是抱著一試的心態去了.....
跑進了一所SPOON之前曾經光顧過的.... 因為按摩師不能同一時間到, 那麼我們有更好的機會多跟她們聊天....
當然還沒到我按摩的時候, 我還是有幫忙盡量多提教會的事情....
例如我們之前有跟教會去廣西服事, 跟學生通信關心他們, 覺得他們跟香港學生有什麼差別.....
替我按摩的女士, 姍姍, 是一個從湖北跑到香港工作的單親母親, 她說她有一個9歲的兒子在深圳, 她每天就往來中港兩地工作和回家....
我在澳洲實在認識了太多台灣人, 每天我下班回家就是跟台灣的室友們講國語, 連台語都學會了一點點了..... 我的國語今天實在大派用場..... 真的感到是神為我預備的福音對象....
她說她兒子是學跳舞的, 我剛好也是習舞之人..... 可以有一點共同的話題....
當講到有沒有聽過耶穌, 國內有沒有的時候..... 她竟然說她姐姐是基督徒, 還有在國內一些親友都是..... 基本上她對聖經也有一點點認識, 因為她姐姐也有送一些書給她看..... 她說她也聽過亞當夏娃....
因為她說她之前在國內其實是作中醫師, 跑來香港做按摩其實是有一點委屈.... 可是我覺得她是知識份子, 那麼才會看得懂那些屬靈的書... 我也鼓勵她可以多看.
我 其實也忘掉可以用那一個上個星期製作我五色福音天使.... 她們鼓勵我跟她講, 我也嘗試用國語解析每一種顏色代表什麼.... 竟然可以完整的講一次.... 那個我們送了給她, 希望她看到, 想起那五個顏色, 會知道神是如何愛我們.... 我們也說過會為她禱告...
其實她對基督徒的印象其實也不錯, 希望我們今天播下的種子, 有一天會發芽, 成長..... 不知誰做收割的, 可是流淚撒種的, 必歡呼收割.....
感恩因為今天連之前在廣西宜州服事的事情也可以被用作分享的話題, 就好像每一個事奉, 其實都有神的心意在裡面....
希望這個小小的分享, 能鼓勵弟兄姊妹只要放膽去為神作見證, 結果交給神就可以了=)
未信的, 希望大家了解為什麼我們這麼笨, 要找不同的方式跟你們"講耶穌".... 因為神愛我們, 我們也愛你們, 非常希望你們能認識祂, 接受祂.... LOVE U~~
為免大家沒心機看太多文字..... 先講最攪笑的部份.... 就是我們竟然在腳底按摩中傳福音..... 看到這一句, 傻眼了吧? 可是我們就是如此的播下福音的種子了....
今 天是團契的外展佈道, 因為我剛從澳洲回來一個多月, 錯過了之前兩次的佈道訓練.... 可是看到團契面書的通告, 還是有鼓勵我們沒有參與訓練的也可是參與佈道.... 可能在適當的時候, 也可以將自己的得救見證講一下.... 心想, 我其實也是有參加過別的佈道訓練, 四律那些材料我是懂用的, 只是太久沒有用...
今天下午, 忽然下起大雨來.... 心裡在想, 會不會取消? 是不是神覺得我們裝備不夠???
下雨天, 穿涼鞋的我連走路也有困難..... 咳嗽也是很大的藉口...... 就是有十萬個理由叫我要放棄..... 可是可是我還是回到教會看一下會怎樣安排.....
因為我剛教完繪畫課就趕過去, 只能買一點點東西在教會的檯子上吃.... 剛剛旁邊有兩位忠心的姊妹正打算要為今天的外展佈道祈禱..... 我一邊吃, 一邊在聽..... 原來, 大家是何等渴望今天能傳福音的..... 感覺有一點被激勵....
傳道同工也說雖然下雨, 可是我們還是有機會留著避雨的人的腳步..... 去的地方也可以特別一點, 要不去茶餐廳也是可以.....
我因為沒有參與訓練, 所以我加入了ANITA與SPOON那一組..... 祈禱時也希望神將所有欄阻挪開.....
後來, SPOON跟我們提出一個大膽的想法, 就是去按摩店做腳底按摩, 那麼可以跟按摩師聊很久, 而且他們是沒辦法跑掉=P
心想, 可是一個好的方法, 雖然好像很奇怪.... 可是我們還是抱著一試的心態去了.....
跑進了一所SPOON之前曾經光顧過的.... 因為按摩師不能同一時間到, 那麼我們有更好的機會多跟她們聊天....
當然還沒到我按摩的時候, 我還是有幫忙盡量多提教會的事情....
例如我們之前有跟教會去廣西服事, 跟學生通信關心他們, 覺得他們跟香港學生有什麼差別.....
替我按摩的女士, 姍姍, 是一個從湖北跑到香港工作的單親母親, 她說她有一個9歲的兒子在深圳, 她每天就往來中港兩地工作和回家....
我在澳洲實在認識了太多台灣人, 每天我下班回家就是跟台灣的室友們講國語, 連台語都學會了一點點了..... 我的國語今天實在大派用場..... 真的感到是神為我預備的福音對象....
她說她兒子是學跳舞的, 我剛好也是習舞之人..... 可以有一點共同的話題....
當講到有沒有聽過耶穌, 國內有沒有的時候..... 她竟然說她姐姐是基督徒, 還有在國內一些親友都是..... 基本上她對聖經也有一點點認識, 因為她姐姐也有送一些書給她看..... 她說她也聽過亞當夏娃....
因為她說她之前在國內其實是作中醫師, 跑來香港做按摩其實是有一點委屈.... 可是我覺得她是知識份子, 那麼才會看得懂那些屬靈的書... 我也鼓勵她可以多看.
我 其實也忘掉可以用那一個上個星期製作我五色福音天使.... 她們鼓勵我跟她講, 我也嘗試用國語解析每一種顏色代表什麼.... 竟然可以完整的講一次.... 那個我們送了給她, 希望她看到, 想起那五個顏色, 會知道神是如何愛我們.... 我們也說過會為她禱告...
其實她對基督徒的印象其實也不錯, 希望我們今天播下的種子, 有一天會發芽, 成長..... 不知誰做收割的, 可是流淚撒種的, 必歡呼收割.....
感恩因為今天連之前在廣西宜州服事的事情也可以被用作分享的話題, 就好像每一個事奉, 其實都有神的心意在裡面....
希望這個小小的分享, 能鼓勵弟兄姊妹只要放膽去為神作見證, 結果交給神就可以了=)
未信的, 希望大家了解為什麼我們這麼笨, 要找不同的方式跟你們"講耶穌".... 因為神愛我們, 我們也愛你們, 非常希望你們能認識祂, 接受祂.... LOVE U~~
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
回港已一個月零十日了.... 呢段日子, 我也不敢讓自己太過懶散....
一到步, 家姐已經將她的想法告訴我.... 見議我不要忙著找新工作.... 可以將我在澳洲所學回來的造餅技術, 加上原本的設計及攝影技術.... 可以自行創業.... 另外, 也可以時間自由一點, 多一點時間關心家人與身邊的人....
我之前一直也在找尋到底神要我去澳洲幹什麼...... 此行, 除了認識很多人, 也經歷過當自己以為安排好的事情, 最終仍要經歷神的帶領和供應.... 一直以為沒有工作, 仍可賣藝維生..... 神告訴我不是如此簡單...... 我要花很久時間才能賣藝....在BRISBANE拿不到賣藝牌, 在MELBOURNE時的機程又跌爛了琴.... 要到我旅程快完結才能有機會修理好再彈.... 也夠了, 感恩=)
這一年, 在澳洲這個喜歡食的國家, 我學到很多廚藝上的知識與造餅的技術.....神要帶領我轉行嗎??
當然, 我仍是一個設計師, 只是現在只接一些FREELANCE的工作而已.
希望多了時間, 可以把握機會多關心身邊有需要的人.
上星期聽了一個TALK, 提到自己的夢想...... 原來我有很多很多的夢想, 有些看來很難實現, 有些卻是我努力了是有可能實現的..... 當然要看神怎帶領.....
無論如何, 我需要的是一份堅持..... KEEP FAITH!!
一到步, 家姐已經將她的想法告訴我.... 見議我不要忙著找新工作.... 可以將我在澳洲所學回來的造餅技術, 加上原本的設計及攝影技術.... 可以自行創業.... 另外, 也可以時間自由一點, 多一點時間關心家人與身邊的人....
我之前一直也在找尋到底神要我去澳洲幹什麼...... 此行, 除了認識很多人, 也經歷過當自己以為安排好的事情, 最終仍要經歷神的帶領和供應.... 一直以為沒有工作, 仍可賣藝維生..... 神告訴我不是如此簡單...... 我要花很久時間才能賣藝....在BRISBANE拿不到賣藝牌, 在MELBOURNE時的機程又跌爛了琴.... 要到我旅程快完結才能有機會修理好再彈.... 也夠了, 感恩=)
這一年, 在澳洲這個喜歡食的國家, 我學到很多廚藝上的知識與造餅的技術.....神要帶領我轉行嗎??
當然, 我仍是一個設計師, 只是現在只接一些FREELANCE的工作而已.
希望多了時間, 可以把握機會多關心身邊有需要的人.
上星期聽了一個TALK, 提到自己的夢想...... 原來我有很多很多的夢想, 有些看來很難實現, 有些卻是我努力了是有可能實現的..... 當然要看神怎帶領.....
無論如何, 我需要的是一份堅持..... KEEP FAITH!!
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Goodbye Breadtop
long time didn't update my blog... last time was October.... in these few months, i work at the same job but moved alot....
from 555 Flinders street to 455 Elizabeth Street then Riverside Quay, Southbank.... have lots of flatmates move in move out.... so am my work.... my dept remain unchange but other dept have more ppl change.... for those who work for long time take long leave, come back.... new faces, new people around me....
finally i finished my work at Breadtop.... didn't thought of i would stay here till mid march since i planned to leave at Feb and travel around.... many people said why i changed my mind and stay till now.... even last few weeks was a very hard times at BT...
mayb start from the very beginning.....
everyone said i am very lucky to work at this dept., i agree but not as easy as what others thinging about. some people think i work for Master Kwong, unlike working outside, won't be yell by Ling. But what i can say is i still try my best to work as fast and as good as i can. i know Master Kwong actually not really trust my ability but i try my best to approve. i am not someone who can say very good words to please someone, esp. someone u respect.
i just do my best in my own role. he had blamed me actually.... i was too detailed and worked not fast enough....
my hands actually not really cope with the hard work.... everyday moring, till now, it's still happen.... they hardly bend, hardly move as usual.... just after i woke up a longer time, do some stretching then i can work again.... even i use cream or medicine couldn't make it better.... i didn't let them know about that.... i think lift heavy things, repeat same movement for many times, used hot water to clean things may made my hands like this.... only rest can help...
so don't think my post was a very comfy post....
In this few months, thanks my senior Hin taught me so much, sometimes even trust me more than what i can do.... mayb i can but don't have enough confident. really thanks him taught me how to make the dough and filling which Master never taught me on this. mayb it's already out of what a normal working holiday people should know. he knows i love cooking and should be willing to make it myself afterwards, he also let me know the tips on how to change the recipe if i work as household instead of mass productions... i would try and take some photos for sharing afterwards!
In this last few weeks, why i have to stay till now.... since our 4 people dept. Master Kwong, Hin, Helen and i.... Hin's wife just given birth to a baby and on leave for 3 weeks.... Helen backed to Mainland china hometown. for one month. they notified me for a long time already.... and i didn't choose to escape before that.... when the time was near and near they tried to confirm how long i will stay.........
the returned ticket can't be change.... i had hesitate, which is a hard decision....
Mum urged me back home asap... some ppl said i don't have to care how it would be after i left also..... but i just want to help master to overcome this hard time....
without checked if i can change to tourist visa, i just promised to stay till they come back with the faith from God.
i think it's hard to help for a newbie..... even i have lots of things couldn't help. but i could work my original part, did some preparations, part of what Helen or Hin could do, some of the cargo thing.... that's better then none, right?
Hin and i also predicted Master might in bad temper while they were on leave since we would be very busy....
but first day, we did the pandan stick.... thanks God, it was very successful.... the best one i ever seen.... good shape.... esp. when boss just came in, at that moment, it was very smooth.... and mass production this time.... we always work this with sweet potatoes at the same day, but this time, only work on Pandan sticks..
and sometimes even not really smooth, sometimes work till very late... Master was still in good temper... our relationship was being built up in these days....
we seldom chat before, we started chat a bit more.... when we were failed to work on procedure on the pineapple kiss.... master didn't blame much. he taken a piece of tiramisu and asked me to try.... mayb we were late for lunch and he afraid i would starving...
one day, he said Allan left me some fried noodles and i could take it at pantry... and finally i found that the noodles was bought by master himself.... weird... but it's made me feel delightful and i felt that i stayed there longer should be worth it...
after this six days long shift.... finally they all came back.... and it's time for me to say goodbye...
on my last day, actually i really don't know should i invite them to have a dinner.... esp. the relationship between Hin and Helen... they couldn't work together...
but master asked me how long would i stay at melb and let's have dinner together... i was glad about that=)
in my 6 months at breadtop.... most ppl treat me good...
the Bread dept next to my dept, at the beginning, they look so cold... but after this 6 months, i found they are funny and nice...
funny Thai people and Sawadee everyday...
and many many working holidays people at outside.... including who left already..... although most of them didn't stay for long... but i will remember u.
also Dai Lo Allan, thanks brought me to go everywhere...
see u guys at facebook or if u guys visit HK, let me know and have a reunion!
from 555 Flinders street to 455 Elizabeth Street then Riverside Quay, Southbank.... have lots of flatmates move in move out.... so am my work.... my dept remain unchange but other dept have more ppl change.... for those who work for long time take long leave, come back.... new faces, new people around me....
finally i finished my work at Breadtop.... didn't thought of i would stay here till mid march since i planned to leave at Feb and travel around.... many people said why i changed my mind and stay till now.... even last few weeks was a very hard times at BT...
mayb start from the very beginning.....
everyone said i am very lucky to work at this dept., i agree but not as easy as what others thinging about. some people think i work for Master Kwong, unlike working outside, won't be yell by Ling. But what i can say is i still try my best to work as fast and as good as i can. i know Master Kwong actually not really trust my ability but i try my best to approve. i am not someone who can say very good words to please someone, esp. someone u respect.
i just do my best in my own role. he had blamed me actually.... i was too detailed and worked not fast enough....
my hands actually not really cope with the hard work.... everyday moring, till now, it's still happen.... they hardly bend, hardly move as usual.... just after i woke up a longer time, do some stretching then i can work again.... even i use cream or medicine couldn't make it better.... i didn't let them know about that.... i think lift heavy things, repeat same movement for many times, used hot water to clean things may made my hands like this.... only rest can help...
so don't think my post was a very comfy post....
In this few months, thanks my senior Hin taught me so much, sometimes even trust me more than what i can do.... mayb i can but don't have enough confident. really thanks him taught me how to make the dough and filling which Master never taught me on this. mayb it's already out of what a normal working holiday people should know. he knows i love cooking and should be willing to make it myself afterwards, he also let me know the tips on how to change the recipe if i work as household instead of mass productions... i would try and take some photos for sharing afterwards!
In this last few weeks, why i have to stay till now.... since our 4 people dept. Master Kwong, Hin, Helen and i.... Hin's wife just given birth to a baby and on leave for 3 weeks.... Helen backed to Mainland china hometown. for one month. they notified me for a long time already.... and i didn't choose to escape before that.... when the time was near and near they tried to confirm how long i will stay.........
the returned ticket can't be change.... i had hesitate, which is a hard decision....
Mum urged me back home asap... some ppl said i don't have to care how it would be after i left also..... but i just want to help master to overcome this hard time....
without checked if i can change to tourist visa, i just promised to stay till they come back with the faith from God.
i think it's hard to help for a newbie..... even i have lots of things couldn't help. but i could work my original part, did some preparations, part of what Helen or Hin could do, some of the cargo thing.... that's better then none, right?
Hin and i also predicted Master might in bad temper while they were on leave since we would be very busy....
but first day, we did the pandan stick.... thanks God, it was very successful.... the best one i ever seen.... good shape.... esp. when boss just came in, at that moment, it was very smooth.... and mass production this time.... we always work this with sweet potatoes at the same day, but this time, only work on Pandan sticks..
and sometimes even not really smooth, sometimes work till very late... Master was still in good temper... our relationship was being built up in these days....
we seldom chat before, we started chat a bit more.... when we were failed to work on procedure on the pineapple kiss.... master didn't blame much. he taken a piece of tiramisu and asked me to try.... mayb we were late for lunch and he afraid i would starving...
one day, he said Allan left me some fried noodles and i could take it at pantry... and finally i found that the noodles was bought by master himself.... weird... but it's made me feel delightful and i felt that i stayed there longer should be worth it...
after this six days long shift.... finally they all came back.... and it's time for me to say goodbye...
on my last day, actually i really don't know should i invite them to have a dinner.... esp. the relationship between Hin and Helen... they couldn't work together...
but master asked me how long would i stay at melb and let's have dinner together... i was glad about that=)
in my 6 months at breadtop.... most ppl treat me good...
the Bread dept next to my dept, at the beginning, they look so cold... but after this 6 months, i found they are funny and nice...
funny Thai people and Sawadee everyday...
and many many working holidays people at outside.... including who left already..... although most of them didn't stay for long... but i will remember u.
also Dai Lo Allan, thanks brought me to go everywhere...
see u guys at facebook or if u guys visit HK, let me know and have a reunion!
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