
Saturday, April 3, 2010

Met the Chef & Good Friday

i started search for a new place to stay, found a few place around $110 per week... seems not bad, i should start contact those landlord abt that.
one the other hand, i saw some jobs at that website too. i will sending my CV soon.

and spent some time to maintenance the blog...  see the new layout? do u like it?

Terence called me and asked if i got interest to meet the Chef he known a few months b4. He's a famous Chef of Queenland and had been cook meal for prime minister.... it's should be an honour to taste his food.
We met up at City.... haha.... my sense of direction is really bad.... juz like i could get lost at MK...
i can't follow the instructions on what he told me.... from the view of the magazine shop, ANZ bank on left hand side............  but i could go to the opposite direction...........
when Terence was dealing with his things at the bank, i saw a girl.... looks familiar............... oh... she is the one who also got training at King of Kings.... Melody, a student from HK.... how coincidence.... i given her my namecard, i asked her to add me facebook later on. i told her i quit the job already.... she said she also... juz trained there for one day... she asked me to work at 金滿庭 if i want.... i think i won't consider Chinese Restaurant in the time being.

b4 we got there, Terence wanted to buy a wine and a Easter gifts for the Chef's son, Noah.
Bunnies, Chicks and chocolates eggs are everywhere during easter....
finally he bought a little chick for him.

Noah is soooo cute.... he played with that little chick.... and finally he kicked under the couch.... haha...

Brent prepared a meal for us... when he saw me taking pic on his spaghetti, he laugh and said he juz a very basic meal... not much special to take pic... but i think it's still delightful.
b4 the meal, we hold our hands and prayed together.... Noah lead at the beginning and Brent followed by him... is that the first time for me to hold the hands pray for meal time? i only seen this scene at the movies...

he made a coffee and served us some chocolates.......  wow.......... love it...

Noah would have bday the next day, so he was so excited abt that.... Cecilia asked him to say good nite to me, he said many times "Good nite, XXX Minnie... Good nite, YYY Minnie, Good nite, ZZZ Minnie... he's juz too cute.....
after had a good nite hug with us... he still took lots of time to get bed...... so sometimes heard he said my name... hehe...

we had a good time sharing during the meal and after meal.... he's such a good christian and willing to encourage other ppl... he said they can pick me up and go to their sunday service... but should be next week since they will on trip this week...
i should try mayb the week after b4 i move.

Brent and Cecilia were so interest on my San Xian.... i forgot why they asked me if i know how to play any muscial instructments.... they were so curious and searched it from the internet.... after know the outlook, and they searched from youtube.... i really want to busking here... i think i've my own market...

b4 we left, we prayed again.... it such a good practice...feels like Christian united together in His name.


i been to Toowong Baptist  Church with Josephine and Terence for Good Friday service...
first time to attend that church... it's a Cantonese Church...
the song, even though we don't know them, but still can follow according to the piano.
be frank, it's a bit boring for the sermon... i "fished" a few times....
i had my first Aussie Holy Communion there.... and it should be the first time for Terence to have Holy Communion in his life since he juz got baptist last week at HK...
the b/s there are so nice to approach us after the service... we left them our contact but i'm not sure whether i will attend their service afterwards.
we found out who's Amy Wong's cousin too....

met up with may poon and she drove us to South bank for lunch...

finally i had meal with Ibis.......... when can i cope with this phobia?!


we found that we couldn't find the network for on-lining yesterday....
心諗... 唔係掛...嫌我地用得太多所以改左唔俾我地上?
係咪咁現實呀, 包租公... (哈, 唔知遲下俾唔俾咭片佢呀...萬一佢睇到呢句就唔好喇... 所以寫中文博佢睇唔明....)
then after that, Aaron told us the login and password changed....
自從講左話我地會搬之後... 一直都覺得包租公唔係幾開心... 對我地0既態度冷淡左...
之前話搵日同我地去郊遊... 睇怕都係唔會架喇...
家陣免得過都0係房唔會同一時間用廚房同食飯喇... 其實都唔知係咪真係嬲我地... 定係只係我地自己覺得呢...

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