today is Easter Monday... office ppl supposed don't have to work.... (又係因為唔知會唔會俾佢地睇到, 用中文博佢睇唔明) 所以彼得與包租公亞倫都唔駛返工, 不過JOSEPHINE 要返工... 你有睇開之前都知呢排好驚對住亞倫...
今朝落去整早餐... 佢兩個都0係廚房... 我又無刻意閃開... 我都想快D 打破隔膜... 而且我覺得彼得無野架嘛, 都無利益衝突... 咁我都主動早晨.... 彼得問我今日有咩做... 其實唔知係咪想預埋我去玩.... 我話都無咩特別PLAN, 可能0係屋企附近跑下步咁喇...
咁都好... 有一朝早FREETIME 可以0係屋企四圍走動... 洗下衫, 慢慢食早餐...
after that, i changed my outfit.... ran around near my place.... since i don't know this place well actually, to prevent getting lost, i juz ran outside the shopping center.... the sun-shine was so great.... kept on running, got sweat.... i like this feeling... no gym, and change to do some outdoor workout.... i feel good... Endorphin works on me...
and sometimes i do body combat at my bedroom.... i didn't turn on the music for that, i don't have much BC music tracks on my ipod... i juz jab cross for 8, hooks for 8, upper cut for 8 then do a few rounds... then round-house kicks, side kicks, front kicks... (no jump kicks, jump knees because avoid to make a loud sound...) sometimes do some lunges and squats... body conditioning is important.... and i plan to stretch more...
i made instant noodles as my lunch.... not much food left already...
當煮完0既時候, 我聽到佢地返黎.... 即刻帶埋兜麵返上房食... 點解要見鬼咁呢?!
then i stayed at room, looking for another jobs, facebooking, uploading pics...
i did some silly things today, u will know what it is afterwards....
then i nap for a while.... really hae........ haha, no choice... run of $, and will start working on wed...
yea, i forgot to update this... i called mandy, the singapore restaurant manager yesterday, i asked if i start working on mon, what time.... then she said, had u checked the email? oh... i didn't... i said i'll check it... i wonder what email she had sent me? i worried for whole movie time... since not sure if i can check it on time and if i need to call her back abt that...
and after i came home, i checked the email and found the roster she had sent me.... i'd assigned to work on wed, thurs and sun evening....
that's good for me to find some more part times and can wait the calls and the interviews at the day time...
then i go out to do some shopping at supermarket... we are run of oil, rice, soya sauce, and wants to prepare some more dish...
Andrew called me and told me he got the pay that i work for "King of Kings" , he asked me when i'm going to work at city, he can meet me up and give that to me... i asked him if he knows the amount, and his answer is abt the same with what i counted myself.... thanks Lord. i don't have to come back and can save $ to travel there.... only no chance to thanks Jimmy on what he taught me...
返黎果陣... 亞倫0係門口吸緊塵... 佢問可唔可以幫個忙... 佢話陣間有人睇屋...OK, 明晒...
之後佢都有問我呢幾日假期點樣...咁我都話OK喇, 有同D FRD出去, 噚日又返左邊間CHURCH咁...
我乖乖地執房... 我都想間房好好睇睇有人睇中租, 咁亞倫唔會再嬲我地...
呢一刻我0係度諗緊煮唔煮飯好.... 今晚想煮青咖哩雞呀... 不過JOSEPHINE話等佢返黎至煮... 佢兩個又0係樓下睇電視.... 轉頭有人睇樓.... 好肚餓... 食住個包頂住咋.... 好在頭先見D包好平買左袋包...
後記: 煮完又食完喇... 煮煮下D人就黎到喇... 係兩個韓國仔黎睇屋... 0岩喇, 同佢地同聲同氣喇...
聽落氣氛幾好... 傾得成掛... 唔敢問...
一路煮佢地又0係樹睇電視呢... 攪到又驚香得滯... 哈哈...
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